With an ongoing history of more than 4000 years there isn’t a city in the world that evokes so much emotion, embracing so many people, as Jerusalem. The only place in the world that is sacred to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. David established it as the capital of Israel and his son Solomon built the temple on Mount Moriah, where Jews and Christian believe that Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac and where Muslims believe that Muhammad ascended to heaven to receive the prayer of Islam. The lowest place on earth, the Dead Sea has attracted visitors from around the Mediterranean basin for thousands of years. It was a place of refuge for King David and one of the world’s first health resorts for Herod the Great. From the panoramic of Jerusalem, to the major focal points in the Old City, then on to the Dead Sea for a quick float. This itinerary is quite hectic and its success depends on being well – disciplined in adhering to the schedule. Below is a list of sites on the same route and close in themes which can be exchanged or added, depending on personal preferences and time constraints. The tour may be operated as a JOINT TOUR enabling you to share expenses which allows you the benefits of a private tour excursion at a price competitive with bus tours.GET THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS. GROUP TOURS can be arranged for large groups enabling itinerary flexibility and adaptability to groups requirements, interests, language etc. Religious services may also be arranged for all faiths. Israel Museum: where the Dead Sea Scrolls are kept and the large-scale model of Jerusalem from the time period just prior to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple – around 70 AD.
Tour Itinerary
Tour Code: AJDS1
Tour Options
The Menorah: 7-branched Candelabra, in front of the Knesset, the Israeli parliament.
Ha Elah Valley: traditional site of the battle between David and Goliath,
City of David: where Jerusalem started. It may be possible to schedule a quick visit in the summertime when the days are longer. The site is lit up at night and therefore visible.