Tradition has it that Muhammad’s arrival in Jerusalem was on the celestial animal known as El Bur’aq (translated as ‘Lightning’).
It is believed that Mohammad’s ascent to heaven was for the purpose of obtaining the word of Islam and Dome of the Rock was constructed in this location in order to commemorate that event.
Dome of the Rock is the most impressive building in modern “Al Quds”. In Islam, Jerusalem is the 3rd most sacred city, taking its place after Mecca and Medina.
“Al Quds” translating into “The Holy” refers to Jerusalem. The most impressive feature of the Jerusalem horizon is Dome of the Rock which symbolizes its importance in Islam. From an overview at Mt. of Olives , start the journey in the Old City at the Temple Mount – ‘Haram Al Sharif”and continue on through the Muslim section with a final stop in Bethlehem.
Please note that ONLY Muslims can enter mosques on this tour.
Sites on the same route and close in themes and therefore can be exchanged or added, depending on personal preferences and time constraints.
Davidson Center: the archaeological park of Jerusalem with holds displays from the early Islamic period.
Tomb of Nebi Samuel: traditional site of the tomb of the prophet Samuel, with a mosque, a synagogue and extensive Crusader ruins.
L.A. Mayer Museum for Islamic Art in Jerusalem: which holds one of the foremost collections of Islamic Art and Antique Watches & Clocks.
Islamic Museum of the Temple Mount: depicts the culture & heritage of the Islam.