1 Day – Jerusalem and the Dead Sea

 Sacred to Christians, Jews and Moslems, the story of Jerusalem stretches for 4 millennium and touches people throughout the world.

Jerusalem’s location between the regions settled by the tribes of Israel, and initially a neutral zone (ideal to unite the people around, similar to Washington D.C) was chosen by David to become Israel’s capital and later his son Solomon, erected the first temple on Mt. Moriah. This location is also associated with the biblical story of the sacrifice of Issac by Abraham, as well as to the Islamic tradition of the ascension of Mohammad to receive the law of Islam.

The Dead Sea, lowest point on earth has appealed to tourists from ancient times and King Herod was one of the first entrepreneurs to see its potential. The close proximity and isolation of the desert to Jerusalem, made it an ideal location for rebels wanting to hide, including King David, as well as a sanctuary for monasteries, still operating today.


A view of Jerusalem from Mt. of Olives and excursion of the main points of interest in the Old City, followed by a trip to the Dead Sea. (The program may be executed in reverse order depending on season and situation) . In any case, the tour is quite intense and accomplishing it successfully requires self- discipline in complying with the timetable

Tour Itinerary

  • Ascend the Judean mountains to Jerusalem.
  • View Jerusalem  from atop the MT. OF OLIVES , exposing over 4000 years of history .
  • Visit the  GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE at the foot of the mountain. 
  • Drive past the Kidron Valley (the Last Path) and enter the OLD CITY of Jerusalem.
  • Sites as time permits include: the  WESTERN  WALL, THE ROAD OF SUFFERING (Via Dolorosa)  the ARAB SUK, GOLGOTHA and the CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE.
  • Descend through the Judean mountains eastbound  to the Dead Sea, lowest point on earth. Experience floating in the therapeutic waters, most probably at Kalia Beach on the north end of the DEAD SEA .

Optional Sites

Sites on the same route and close in themes and therefore can be exchanged or added, depending on personal preferences and time constraints.

Israel Museum: where the Dead Sea Scrolls are kept and the large-scale model of Jerusalem from the time period just prior to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple – around 70 AD.
The Menorah: 7-branched Candelabra, in front of the Knesset, the Israeli parliament.
Ha Elah Valley: traditional site of the battle between David and Goliath.
City of David: where Jerusalem started. It may be possible to schedule a quick visit in the summertime when the days are longer. The site is lit up at night and therefore visible.