1 Day – Strategic Sites of the Holy Land

The historical geography of the land of Israel starts with the Great Rift and since that time, it has been a narrow passage between the sea and the desert. This passage is a bridge between great civilizations of the north and the great civilization of the south. It is where armies of the south march to conquer the north and where armies of the north march to conquer the south. 

In the ancient world Egypt, located southwest of Israel and Babylon, located northeast of it, were the global powers to reckon with.

As time passed, this tiny piece of land grew in importance as a barrier between the empires of Persia and Rome, and as a kind of borderline between the Muslims and Crusaders.

In more modern times, it was the battleground between England and Turkey.

Whichever power held access to it, held the KEY to control of the Middle East.



Three key sites in this tiny piece of land are the focal points that played an important role in history of the world.


Tour Itinerary

  •  The ancient port city of CAESAREA, north of Tel Aviv on the Mediterranean coast, was heralded as Herod’s most magnificent construction. It took Herod 12 years to build, was named it in honor of Caesar Augustus and became the largest seaport in the eastern gulf of the Mediterranean Sea.
  • The historical route, known as the Road By The Sea (Via Maris) and today a 4 lane roadway, leads to MEGIDDO (ARMAGEDDON), whose strategic position is the ultimate location for all battles between north and south, since the dawn of history, till present day.
  • Illustrious for its role as an entry port  for crusading knights to  the Holy Land and as the only town that Napolean did not succeed in conquering in his campaigns at the end of the 18th C.,  ACRE’s (AKKO) history spans over 4000 years . The organization for the Development of Old Acre  has managed to create a wonderland of the historic events depicted and presented in such a fascinating variety of ways that  it indulges and captivates both young and old, alike.